Following the successful design, manufacture and installation of previous tailored solutions to supply water for fire suppression systems on bulk carrying vessels, Rotaflow were once more tasked with finding a workable solution for specific requirement.
With ongoing development of the fire suppression pipe system for sea going bulk carriers and in conjunction with Canada Steamship Lines, Rotaflow has developed the next generation of arm.
Rather than allowing the flanged connection points at each end of the arm absorb all the loads generated by the weight of the arm and it’s contained fluid, it was suggested to run a track under the arm. This solution absorbs a significant portion of the loads relieving the stresses on the swivel bearings and flange mountings. The system was pre-assembled at our factory to ensure that the motion of the arm was as expected. The track consists of a simple PTFE bearing running against a flat plate.

The arm provides fire and dust suppression water to the conveyer belt boom. The boom which raises and rotates over the dock for unloading of aggregates, requires an articulated pipework to provide a water supply. The dust produced during unloading can create an explosive combustible atmosphere for which fire and dust suppression systems are required to mitigate risks.

Rotaflow is a global leader in swivel joint design and manufacture. We engage with clients all over the globe to produce swivel joints for a wide range of industrial uses, from drilling and mining, food and drink production, pharmaceutical, process and plant, to subsea oil and gas extraction.
If you have an engineering problem and would like to speak to the team at Rotaflow, you can reach us via the following options…
Tel: +44(0) 1663 735003